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We pull select sermons from both series of study that Dr. Smith has given as well as those subject matters requested for study by supporters of our ministry. Each sermon listed below has been published at Prior to 2022; several of the extracted messages were posted through Whole Armour Ministries through which Dr. Smith served as a focus for apologetic ministries and missions. Whole Armour ministries has been absorbed into the ministry of CRBC as of June 2022 with a continued commitment to the apologetics calling to "have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them" as the apostle Paul admonished Christians in Ephesus. That same admonition is for Christians and Christian ministries in every age unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. In effect, each of us individually are to be "living epistles" to be read of men daily. As a reminder of this admonition, our lives in/of themselves projects a message to the world around us. The prayer of this ministry is that your life will be a sermon that warns of the wrath of God to come against unbelievers and the glorious and hopeful answer to that wrath for those who have ears to hear - the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Amen. 


The Church, God's House   

Jesus, the True Vine (Part 1 of 2)

Jesus, the True Vine (Part 2 of 2)

Peace in the Valley

Healed by Jesus, Touched by God

Amillennialism (Eschatology)

Dispensational Zionism

The Millennium

Is it God's Will to Heal Me?

The Israel of God

Money & Ministry: Should Pastors be Paid a Salary?

The Bridegroom

Revelation 8:1-5: The Prayers of the Saints

Revelation 20 (Part 1 of 4) A Present Reality & Eternal Promise

Revelation 20 (Part 2 of 4) A Present Reality & Eternal Promise

Revelation 20 (Part 3 of 4) A Present Reality & Eternal Promise

Revelation 20 (Part 4 of 4) A Present Reality & Eternal Promise

Can A Christian Lose His Salvation?

Hebrews 8: The Main Point

Freemasonry Revealed & Rebuked

THE ACTS of the Apostles (Chapter 1)

The Holy Spirit: Our Greatest Need

ENOCH - Genesis chpt. 5

Is the Roman Catholic Church "Christian?"

Racism & Social Justice: It's ENMITY that's the problem, not Ethnicity

The Great Gulf between Catholicism & Christianity

666: The Mark of the Beast

The Sermon on the Mount Series: Introduction

The Sermon on the Mount Series: Part 2 | General View & Judgment

The Sermon on the Mount Series: Part 3 | The Beatitudes

Harsh Words for Thin Skins: Matthew 23:13-26

Ezekiel: Temple Sacrifices & Dispensationalism's Absurdity

Who Are God's Chosen People?

Abraham's Inheritance . . . and Ours

Cultural Marxism: How can a bible-believing Christian vote for a Democrat, much less, be one?

Slavery, Reparations & the Bible

Spurgeon Series | Fear Not!

Leprosy, COVID-19, & Christ

Jesus & the Blind Beggar

David & Goliath

LGBT Idolatry

False Apostles & Snakes

Woe Unto Georgia . . . & America

The Biden Reprobation 

LGBT Idolatry


The Marks of BIBLICAL Revival
The Dead in Christ Shall Rise First

Surrender to God

Peace with God

Wokeness & The Gospel
The Golden Calf of the ELCA


Torah Keeping or Faith in the Torah KEEPER?

Year-End Giving

Christians & Christmas

The Church, God's "House?"

Healed by Jesus, Touched by God

Is it God's Will to Heal Me?

Lost & Found - Luke 15:1-32

The Superiority of JESUS vs. Judaism

The Doctrine of Sovereign Election

Herod Meets Jesus 

The Truth about January 6th & Christians

Jesus is our Brother

Reformed Baptist Church

 A ministry of Dr. Casey Smith 


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